
Support us!

We dream of an online community where Electronics, Network Engineers, Developers and designers will have the chance to share their ideas, discuss about their projects and find partners to work with.
We dream of a real LAB where teams can brainstorm, design and create/build their products.
We dream of a large Internet of Things network, covering all Northen Greece!
Help us fulfill these and more dreams and dream bigger dreams!

Donate to TLab.io, every euro counts!

Estimated cost for web services/products/platform plugins/ themes etc: 250 €
Estimated cost for covering Thessaloniki Area / IoT gateways: 2700 €
Year cost of lab rental and other expenses: 5000 €

Spent so far (organizers’ capitals):
IoT equipment: 670 €
web products: 106 €
web services:  80 €


Donate to TLab.io

4% funded

TLab is currently the only makerspace in the city and all our work is based on our supporters/contributors. We are members of The Things Network Thessaloniki and currently we are working on μNode and several other projects

Your donation will help us continue our work, pay expenses and maybe buy more advanced equipment.

Personal Info

Donation Total: 10,00€